Original Article(論文)

  1. Jungryang Kim , Eiji Yamasue, Hideyuki Okumura, Chishiro Michioka, Keiichi N. Ishihara; “Intercalation of hexagonal boron nitride and graphite with lithium by sequential process of ball milling and heat treatment”,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 707, 15 June 2017, Pages 172-177
  2. Hiroko Miyuki, and Keiichi N. Ishihara, Overcoming the Fukushima Accident by Teaching Radiation in Compulsory Education Using Active Learning, Modern Environmental Science and Engineering, Volume 3, Number 6, June 2017, pp. 396-406
  3. The Luong, N., Duy Tien, N., Yamasue, E., Okumura, H., N. Ishihara, K., Effects of CuO-CeO<sub>2</sub> Addition on Structure and Catalytic Properties of Three Way Catalysts. (2017) Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, 05 (12), pp. 28-39.
  4. Yutaka Akitsu, Keiichi N. Ishihara, Hideyuki Okumura and Eiji Yamasue; Investigating energy literacy and its structural model for lower secondary students in Japan; INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL & SCIENCE EDUCATION 2017, VOL. 12, NO. 5, 1067-1095
  5. Jungryang Kim, Eiji Yamasue, Tetsu Ichitsubo, Hideyuki Okumura, Keiichi N. Ishihara, Electrochemical lithium intercalation behavior of pristine and milled hexagonal boron nitride; Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 799 (2017) 263–269
  6. Katayanagi, N., Fumoto, T. Hayano, M., Shirato, Y., Takata, Y., Leon, A., Yagi, K.; Estimation of total CH4 emission from Japanese rice paddies using a new estimation method based on the DNDC-Rice simulation model, Science of the Total Environment, Volume 601-602, 1 December 2017, Pages 346-355
  7. Wattanawikkam, C., Pecharapa, W., Ishihara, K.N.; X-ray absorption spectroscopy analysis and magnetic properties of M-doped TiO2 nanoparticles (M=Co, Mn, Ni and Zn) prepared by co-precipitation method, Ceramics International 2017
  8. Hideyuki Okumura, Ken Adachi, Eiji Yamasue and Keiichi N. Ishihara,”New photocatalyst LnOCl (Ln=Sm,Nd) and novel cocatalytic effect on BiOCl in humid environment”, Chem. Commun., 2017, 53, 8854-8857
  9. Leon, A., Kohyama, K., Estimating nitrogen and phosphorus losses from lowland paddy rice fields during cropping seasons and its application for life cycle assessment, Journal of Cleaner Production, 164, pp. 963-979, 2017

International Conference(国際学会)

  1. Keiichi N. Ishihara, Takayuki Uchima, Hideyuki Okumura and Eiji Yamasue, Metastable Solidification and Melting in Indium-Tin System, 16th International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials (RQ16), Aug 27- Sep 1, Leoben, Austria
  2. Hideyuki Okumura, “Heterogeneous Photocatalysis and Interfacial Magnetic Field Effect”, FiMPART2017 (Frontiers in Materials Processing Applications, Research and Technology), Bordeaux, France, July 9-12, 2017. [Invited Lecture]
  3. Keiichi N. ISHIHARA, “[Memorial Lecture of JSPM Award] The potential of mechanical alloying for new materials processing technology”, JSPM International Conference on Powder and Powder Metallurgy Nov. 7-9, 2017, Kyoto, Japan
  4. Keiichi N. Ishihara and Ai Leon,[Keynote Lecture] Life cycle assessment of agri-voltaic system,The 10th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Energy Engineering, Nov. 9-11,Yangon, Myanmar

Domestic Conference(国内学会)

  1. レオン 愛・フーマンファルザネ ・山末英嗣・石原慶一「有機薄膜太陽電池による日本のトマト施設栽培からのLC-CO2排出量の削減」日本LCA学会ポスター発表、2017年、3月、つくば
  2. 秋津 裕,石原慶一,奥村英之「タイと日本の中学生のエネルギーリテラシー調査」、日本エネルギー環境教育学会第12回全国大会、福井県美浜町、2017年6月15日
  3. 秋津 裕,石原慶一,奥村英之「日本の中学生の エネルギーリテラシー構造モデル調査]、第4回気候変動・省エネルギー行動会議、東京、9月5-6日
  4. レオン 愛、石原慶一、フーマンファルザネ、山末英嗣「光透過型有機薄膜太陽電池を導入した低炭素トマト栽培の検討」土壌肥料学会2017年度仙台大会、9月5-7日
  5. 石原慶一、「日本、タイ、ベトナムにおける農村への再生可能エネルギー導入」研究・イノベーション学会第32回年次学術大会、10月28-29日、京都大学


  1. 秋津裕、日本エネルギー環境教育学会賞研究論文賞、「日本の中学生のエネルギーリテラシー調査 -知識、関心、行動の評価と日米比較-」、2017年8月19日
  2. 石原慶一、日本粉体粉末冶金協会賞研究功績賞、「メカニカルミリングを利用した材料開発」、2017年5月31日
