Total Material Requirement (TMR) database (関与物質総量データベース)

EN: In this website, we will summarize TMR (total material requirement) data reported not only by us but also others, aiming at sharing data with REFERENCES. We are happy if you could tell us unlisted data.
JPN: 関与物質総量(Total Material Requirement, TMR)の情報を提供いたします.ソースまでたどることができるデータベースの構築を目指しています.我々以外のグループが推算された例もウェルカムです.ご連絡頂ければ大変ありがたく存じます.

EN: Now we have already calculated 500 sorts of TMR for raw materials, intermediate materials, materials, products, and processes, etc. We will enclose the data after publication. (As of 28 June 2015, we published about 100 TMR data including secondary materials.) If you are interested in unpublished data, please do not hesitate to ask us (E. Yamasue, yamasue at, replace “at” into “@”.)
JPN: 現在,500種類程度の素材,材料,中間物質,プロセスについてTMRを推算済みです.論文化されると共に公開していきます.すでに100種程度は論文化しておりますので,近日中に更新します.未公開情報についての問い合わせは山末英嗣 (yamasue at, atは@に変換)まで連絡ください.(2015/6/25))

EN: For the use of database, it is not necessary to get permission from us. But never forget citing as primary references as possible. Of course it is welcome to refer this website. Please NOTE that following data were estimated/calculated based on some assumptions and/or  case studies. Thus, data utilization without citing may cause misleading. So it is better to explain such the assumptions and details of case studies when you refer the value(s).
JPN: データの利用に当たって特に連絡を頂く必要はありませんが,必ず出典を示してください.出典は元論文をたどって頂き,可能であればこのサイトも宣伝してください(笑).注意点として,以下に示す数値は必ず何らかの仮定,あるいはケーススタディの下で推算されたものです.したがって,数値を利用される場合は,データの一人歩きを避けるため,それらの仮定を留意した上で行ってください.論文などで使用される場合は,推算条件も追記されるべきです.

What is TMR?(TMRとは)

Two TMRs we defined. (二つのTMR)





Energy source(エネルギー類)


Metals, Elements and Alloys(単体,金属,合金)

Product Chemical fomula TMR Unit Reference Type Note
Sulfur S 2.1 kg-TMR/kg 1 NO-TMR from desulfurization from crude oil
Sulfur S 13.5 kg-TMR/kg 1 NO-TMR from copper smelting as by-product
  • TMR database by NIMS, Japan (2006, 2009)
  • Material Intensity database by Wupertal Institute, Germany (2014)

Inorganic compound(無機化合物)

Organic compound(有機化合物)

Acid, base and other solution(酸,アルカリ,その他溶液)

Product Chemical fomula TMR Unit Reference Type Note
Phosphoric acid H3PO4 29 kg-TMR/kg 1, 2 NO-TMR
Sulfuric acid H2SO4 4.8 kg-TMR/kg 1 TMR Japan case. From sulfur from desulfurization from crude oil and from copper smelting as by-product.
Ammonia NH3 3.0-4.5 kg-TMR/kg 1  Deviation comes from different data source.



Product Chemical fomula TMR Unit Reference Type Note
Ammonium phosphate (12-50) approx. NH4H2PO4 23.1 kg-TMR/kg 1 NO-TMR
Ammonium phosphate (18-46) approx. (NH4)2HPO4 20.8 kg-TMR/kg 1 NO-TMR
Ammonium phosphate (19-42) approx. (NH4)3PO4 20.5 kg-TMR/kg 1 NO-TMR
Calcium super-phosphate approx. Ca(H2PO4)2 + 2CaSO4・2H2O 6.7 kg-TMR/kg 1 NO-TMR
Fused magnesium phosphate mixed H3PO4, CaO and Mg-based compound 7.9 kg-TMR/kg 1 NO-TMR
Magnesium multi-phosphate 10.7 kg-TMR/kg 1 NO-TMR
High analysis compound fertilizer 10.2 kg-TMR/kg 1 NO-TMR
Urea CO(NH2)2 4.8 kg-TMR/kg 1 NO-TMR
Nitrolime mixture of CaC2+N 13.4 kg-TMR/kg 1 NO-TMR also works as agricultural chemicals
Ammonium sulfate (NH4)2SO4 5.4 kg-TMR/kg 1 NO-TMR
Ammonium chloride NH4Cl 5.6 kg-TMR/kg 1 NO-TMR
Potassium sulfate K2S 8.6 kg-TMR/kg 1 NO-TMR
Potassium chloride KCl 7.3 kg-TMR/kg 1 NO-TMR
Phosphoric acid H3PO4 29 kg-TMR/kg 1, 2 NO-TMR

For rough estimation, you can use following regression equation (see reference 1);

TMR = 2 + 0.34 [%P2O5] + 0.15 [%N] + 0.098 [%K2O].



  1. Eiji YAMASUE, Kazuyo Matsubae and Keiichi N. Ishihara: “Weight at Source for Phosphorous Fertilizer Production”, Global Environmental Research, Vol.19, No.1 (2015) pp.97-104
  2. Eiji Yamasue, Kazuyo Matsubae, Kenichi Nakajima, Seiji Hashimoto, Tetsuya Nagasaka: “Using Total Material Requirement to Evaluate the Potential for Recyclability of Phosphorous in Steelmaking Dephosphorization Slag”, J. Industrial Ecology, Vol.17, Issue 5, (2013), pp.722-730, DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12047



Above results (by us) have been partly supported by various research budgets. We express our gratitude.

  1. MEXT KAKENHI Grant Number: 22360218 (2010-2013)
  2. MEXT KAKENHI Grant Number: 22710008 (2010-2013)
  3. Research Institute of Science and Technology for Society of Japan Science and Technology Agency,(JST-RISTEX) as the research program on Science of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy, which project leader is Prof. Dr. K. Matsubae, Tohoku University. (2012-2015)
  4. Arai zaidan (2014-2015)
  5. MEXT KAKENHI Grant Number: 15H02862 (2015-)


Contacting person (連絡先)

Eiji YAMASUE (yamasue at, replace “at” into “@”)