Original Article(論文) 

  1. Eiji Yamasue, Ryota Minamino, Ichiro Daigo, Hiroki Tanikawa, Hideyuki Okumura, Keiichi N. Ishihara and Paul. H Brunner: “Quality Evaluation of Scrap Materials from Urban Buildings by means of Total Materials Requirement”, Journal of Industrial Ecology, Vol. 17, Issue 4, (2013), pp. 555-565, DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12014
  2. Eiji Yamasue, Kazuyo Matsubae, Kenichi Nakajima, Seiji Hashimoto, Tetsuya Nagasaka: “Using Total Material Requirement to Evaluate the Potential for Recyclability of Phosphorous in Steelmaking Dephosphorization Slag”, J. Industrial Ecology, Vol.17, Issue 5, (2013), pp.722-730, DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12047
  3. Hoang-Long Le, Eiji YAMASUE, Hideyuki Okumura, and Keiichi N. Ishihara: “Model for Evaluating Metal Recovery Efficiency of Complex Scraps (MEMRECS) – A Promising Measure for Calculation of Metal Recyclability”, International Journal of Arts & Sciences, 6 (1), (2013) 73-87
  4. H. Le, Eiji YAMASUE, H. Okumura and K. Ishihara, “MEMRECS―A Sustainable View for Metal Recycling from Waste Printed Circuit Boards,” Journal of Environmental Protection, Vol. 4, No. 8, 2013, pp. 803-810. doi: 10.4236/jep.2013.48094.
  5. Cravioto C. Jordi, Yamasue Eiji, Okumura Hideyuki and Ishihara Keiichi N.: “Road transport externalities in Mexico: Estimates and international comparisons”, Transport policy, Vol.30, (2013), pp. 63-76
  6. Eiji Yamasue, Kenji Shimizu, Kazuhiro Nagata: “Direct Determination of Standard Gibbs Energies of the Formation of 4CaO•P2O5 and 3CaO•P2O5 by Transpiration Method”, ISIJ International, Vol.53, No.10, (2013), pp.1833-1840
  7. Benjamin C. McLellan?, Qi Zhang, N. Agya Utama, Hooman Farzaneh, Keiichi N. Ishihara: “Analysis of Japan’s post-Fukushima energy strategy”, Energy Strategy Reviews, 2 (2013) 190-198.
  8. Jorge Gómez-Paredes, Eiji Yamasue, Hideyuki Okumura, Keiichi N. Ishihara: “Energy Efficiency to Reduce Poverty and Emissions: A Silver Bullet or Wishful Thinking? Analysis of Efficient Lighting CDM Projects in India”, Procedia Environmental Sciences, Vol.17 (2013), pp.547-556

International Conference(国際学会) 

  1. Eiji Yamasue, Kazuyo Matsubae, Kenichi Nakajima, Tetsuya Nagasaka: “Potential of Steelmaking Slag as New Phosphorous Resource in terms of Total Materials Requirement.”, TMS2013 SYMPOSIUM: REWAS 2013: Enabling Materials Resource Sustainability, San Antonio, Texas, USA, 3-7 March 2013.
  2. Eiji Yamasue, Takashi Fujimori and Keiichi N Ishihara: “Recyclability of Substance considering Landfilling Total Material Requirement (LF-TMR)”, International Conference on Final Sinks 2013, Espoo, Finland, 16-18 May 2013.
  3. Shinsuke Murakami*, Eiji Yamasue, Hiroshi Otsuka, Chiharu Tokoro and Jiro Yamatomi: “Material Flows at Mine site throughout its life and intertemporal allocation of their responsibility”, 7th International Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology, to be held at the University of Ulsan, Korea from June 25 to 28, 2013.
  4. Kenichi NAKAJIMA, Keisuke NANSAI, Kazuyo MATSUBAE, Eiji YAMASUE, Yasushi KONDO: “Global flow of metals and phosphorus: Supply chain analysis towards to resource logistics”, 7th International Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology, to be held at the University of Ulsan, Korea from June 25 to 28, 2013.
  5. Eiji Yamasue, Kazuhiro Nagata and Tadahiro Inazumi: “Metallurgical Evaluation of Traditional Steelmaking in Finland”, The eighth International Conference on the Beginnings of the Use of Metals and Alloys (BUMA8), Nara, Japan, 10-14 Sept 2013.
  6. Manako Tanaka, Kazuhiro Nagata, Masaaki Miyasako, Eiji Yamasue and Masayoshi Ito: “Influence of geological features on chemical composition of Japanese iron sand”, The eighth International Conference on the Beginnings of the Use of Metals and Alloys (BUMA8), Nara, Japan, 10-14 Sept 2013.
  7. Keiichi N, Ishihara, Kyoto University-Bristol University Joint Symposium, Bristol, Jan. 2013
  8. Samia Tabassum, Eiji Yamasue, Hideyuki Okumura and Keiichi N. Ishihara, “Effect of annealing condition on environmental stability of Al and Ga doped ZnO”, MinesParisTech?-Kyoto-Ajou University Joint Symposium on Sustainable Energy, Suwon, Korea, 29 March 2013
  9. Samia Tabassum, Eiji Yamasue, Hideyuki Okumura and Keiichi N. Ishihara, “Effect of annealing atmosphere on electrical stability of AZO transparent electrode (Poster)”, Tokyo, May 2013 (Put the name of conference)
  10. Keiichi N. Ishihara, “Zero-carbon Scenarios by 2100”, Mines ParisTech?-Kyoto-Ajou University Joint Symposium on Sustainable Energy, Suwon, Korea, 29 March 2013
  11. Keiichi N. Ishihara, Kohei Shibata, Eiji Yamasue and Hideyuki Okumura, “Photocatalytic performance of ZnO-SnO2 nanocomposites synthesized by mechanochemical routes (Keynote)”, ICEAST, Bangkok, Thailand, 22-3, Sep. 2013
  12. Keiichi N. Ishihara “Zero-carbon Scenarios by 2100 (Special Lecture)”, ThemofluidV, UGM, Jogjakarta, Indonesia, 27, Aug. 2013
  13. Keiichi N. Ishihara “Zero-carbon Scenarios by 2100 (Keynote)”, Regional Conference On Energy Engineering, ITB, Bandon, Indonesia, 6-7, Sep. 2013
  14. Keiichi N. Ishihara, Benjamin C. McLellan? and N. Agya Utama, “Present and future energy issues in ASEAN countries”, Southeast Asia Seminar“Catching up Southeast Asian New body: States, Markets and Public Spheres” Phuket, Thailand, 26-27 Sep. 2013
  15. Keiichi N. Ishihara, Uji, Kyoto 30 sep. – 1 Oct., 2013
  16. Le Hoang Long, HUST, Hanoi, Sep. 2013
  17. Eiji Yamasue1, Shinsuke Murakami, Ichiro Daigo, Kenichi Nakajima, Kazuyo Matsubae and Keiichi N Ishihara: “Evaluation of environmental conscious materials in terms of TMR”, Ecomaterials Conference & Exhibition 2013 (ICEM11), Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam, 11-14 Sep. 2013

Domestic Conference(国内学会) 

  1. 梶原崇志,山末英嗣,奥村英之,石原慶一:「アルカリ金属炭酸塩とミリングしたβ-リン酸三カルシウムからのリンの溶出」,日本鉄鋼協会春季大会,東京電機大学,2013年3月27-29日
  2. 田中眞奈子,永田和宏,宮廻正明,山末英嗣,伊藤真義:「高エネルギー蛍光X線分析による鉄文化財に用いられた材料の解明(1):産地の異なる砂鉄中の微量重元素測定」,日本鉄鋼協会春季大会,東京電機大学,2013年3月27-29日
  3. 山末英嗣,永田和宏,稲角忠弘:「フィンランドにおける伝統的製鉄法の冶金学的検証」,日本鉄鋼協会春季大会,東京電機大学,2013年3月27-29日
  4. 芝大輔,山末英嗣,奥村英之,石原慶一:「湿式ミリングにおけるミリング助剤の影響」,粉体粉末冶金協会平成25年度春季大会,早稲田大学国際会議場,2013年5月27日~29日
  5. 山末英嗣,中島謙一,醍醐市朗,松八重一代,石原慶一:「自動車から得られる鉄スクラップの関与物質総量」,日本鉄鋼協会秋季大会,金沢大学,2013年9月17-19日



Other (その他)